White Stone Christian Ministries - The Prophetic Word White Stone Prophetic Word
James Trivette 01.10.2013



Wonder or Wander


I brought My people from Egypt to go through the wilderness to a wonderful new home.  But the new home was with Me.  It was not just a land of milk and honey, but a land where I would dwell with them.  For it was not the milk and the honey that made the land wonderful it was Me.


Yet when I showed My people My wonder, they feared to come to Me.  I was the prize, not the promised land.  When they rejected Me they rejected My promise.


So it is with My people today who I have saved from the destruction of their lives.  They wonder why their life is still not wonderful.  But I did not save them to live in a better land, but to live in Me.  And I did not deliver you to make you a better you.  I delivered you as a place for Me.


Don’t continue to wander in this wilderness of the world looking for the better place I promised.  And don’t cry out to return to Egypt.  Come to me and experience Me now in My wonder, for I AM the promise, not a better life for you.


Exodus 20:18-21

When the people saw the thunder and lightning and heard the trumpet and saw the mountain in smoke, they trembled with fear. They stayed at a distance and said to Moses, "Speak to us yourself and we will listen. But do not have God speak to us or we will die."

Moses said to the people, "Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning." 

The people remained at a distance, while Moses approached the thick darkness where God was.




In this prophetic word God reveals His plan for the Israelites after their deliverance from Egypt.  This word says that it was not the deliverance from Egypt, the journey, or even the land across the Jordan that was the real prize.  The prize was God Himself.  If you have God dwelling with you, you have it all.  He was the prize then and He still is now. 


Yet in the wilderness when He got ready to show them His glory so that they could appreciate who He is and receive confidence that He was truly the God of this world and all creation, they rejected Him.  They were afraid they would die.  They died anyway in the wilderness without ever experiencing Him directly or His reward for them.  They should have received the wonder of His glory rather than turn away and wander in the wilderness and die.


The same choice is before us today.  Many are all about getting to their promised land that God is going to give them.  They are all about the gift and not the giver.  Bad choice.  They will wander continuously in the wilderness of this world without ever receiving the true promise. 


But this is not a condemnation or judgment, it is an offer.  He still wants to show us His glory if we come to Him.  He is still on the Mountain and you don’t need Moses, your pastor, to go up and get the word of the Lord.  You need to go up yourself and meet Him there.  That is what this word is all about.  Meet Him on the mountain yourself and let Him reveal His wonder.  Don’t perish in this wilderness looking for your promised land reward, look diligently for Him, the real reward.



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