White Stone Christian Ministries - The Prophetic Word White Stone Prophetic Word
James Trivette 01.24.2013



The Upper Room


I am calling you to wait in the upper room until you are given the power of My Spirit.  Will you be there when I come?  Will you See My glory?  For the evil has its days of celebration and the righteous have their days of endurance, but this testing brings great rewards.  For would My Spirit come without the trial?  Does the victory come without the battle? 


I am asking you to dream the dreams of victory and plan the ways for victory.   For if I do not appear, can there be a victory?  But when I do appear, can you fall to defeat?


Stand for the days of victory that will surely come.  For all is in My hands and My reward is with Me.   I AM coming soon to the upper room.  Will you be there? Yes, you will.


Acts 1:4-5

On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about.  For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit."


This prophetic word appears to say to wait, as a passive waiting.  But I believe that is not what it is saying.  I believe He is saying that we are to trust and obey and stay in the place of faith.  For why would you wait in a room without believing that something was coming?  In this case it is the power of the Holy Spirit.  But to receive this power, you need to stay in the upper room in faith.  I believe that only those that were in the upper room on Pentecost experienced this powerful experience and received the power and boldness.  He may have given power and boldness to others after this, but only those on that day experience the mighty rushing wind, the tongues of fire, and the great power of the Spirit.


As it was in the days after the crucifixion I am sure evil was celebrating greatly their victory that they had killed Christ and stopped His movement.  So it is today in our world as many mock Christ and His followers freely and call His people haters and hypocrites, as they hate and scourge Christians while celebrating “tolerance” and “love”.


The word continues that we should endure the battle but expect the victory when He returns.  But we must wait in the upper room of faith, in one accord.  He returning soon and We must be found there to receive the victory and the reward.


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