White Stone Christian Ministries - The Prophetic Word White Stone Prophetic Word
James Trivette 02.07.2013



Hang On


Are you ready for the season ahead?  For this will be like learning to water ski.  For I am ready to pull you up out of that which has held you.  I have the power, but you must hang on with the tow rope of faith.  Position yourself in the right direction and use the force of My power to lift you on top of the circumstances.  Trust me and hang on.


John 16:33

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."


I John 5:4-5

for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.




This prophetic word is another allegory for our walk of faith in this new season of faith.  This word uses the allegory of learning to water ski as a way of relating to the experiencing of faith, which is symbolized as the tow rope that connects you to the powerboat when you are learning to ski.  I believe the Lord is saying that He is going to be moving with great power in these days.  Therefore, we must position ourselves in the proper direction and position for God to pull us forward.  If we are properly equipped and positioned, then this pull from God will overcome the resistance of the water that is seeking to hold us down and even pull us under.  Then we will experience the exhilaration of skiing in the Spirit.


When learning to water ski, balance, strength and determination are all critical factors.  Though you are not supplying the force to pull you up on top of the water, you must learn to control your body (or flesh) to channel the force into lifting you on top of the water.  Most of all you must hang on.  For many when they learn to water ski will get scared and let go of the rope to soon.


The scriptures referenced talk about overcoming the world.  This relates to overcoming the resistance of the water that holds you back with a great force of resistance.  But with the tow rope of faith you can be pulled up on top of the water where you can move freely and quickly with minimal strength.  But like many things, this requires practice and focus to master.  You may even fall a few times.  But once you learn how to do it, each time gets a little easier.  So position yourself, get ready, and hang on for the ride.


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