White Stone Christian Ministries - prophetic wordsWhite Stone Prophetic Word
James Trivette 8.25.2011



I Bid You “Come”


Let not your heart be troubled.  Neither let it be afraid.   For it is I who is walking on the stormy waters.  It is I who has come from the past and is leading to the future.  It is I who leads the way forward to the other side.   For the boat without My presence cannot make headway against the contrary wind.   Therefore to follow Me you must leave behind the vessels that cannot navigate the storms facing the world.   For they are subject to the laws of nature in the world.  But the vessel with My presence is not limited to the nature of this world.  For if I transcend the laws of this world, then surely the Kingdom of God has come, and only that which is of My Kingdom can walk on the water.   For I go to the other side in haste, so let go of the hand rails and come.



Matthew 14:25-29

During the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake.  When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. "It's a ghost," they said, and cried out in fear.  But Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."

"Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water."

"Come," he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.





When the disciples looked out from their troubled boat, they saw someone over the surface of the stormy waters and were afraid.   But Jesus is saying that though the world looks troubled today, do not be afraid, because He is walking over the stormy world and is not disturbed, nor affected, by the stormy trouble the world is in.  He states that He has come from the past where He walked the earth as our Savior, but is moving on to the future to be the King of the earth.  He then says that a boat without His presence cannot make headway against the contrary wind of the turmoil of this world.  The boat can represent a church, a business, a home, or a family, as well as an individual person.   Therefore you must abandon the vessel or invite Jesus into the vessel to be able to make headway toward the Kingdom of God.  This is because Jesus is not subject to the normal laws of this world because of His spiritual authority as is evidenced by His walking on the water.  He states that He is on the way to the future Kingdom and is inviting us to let go of the world “reality” that will surely sink and step out on faith to follow Him to the other side.  It is important to understand that Peter asked the Lord the question, "Lord, if it's you, tell me to come to you on the water."  This is the question we should be asking the Lord.  Because once the Lord said “Come”, then Peter could exercise his faith to believe the Lord.  Once the Lord said it, it became possible by faith.  If this word is for you, then step out of the boat.