White Stone Christian Ministries - The Prophetic Word White Stone Prophetic Word
OJ Johnson 7.12.2012



Come to Me


Those who choose to be used by God, God says, “I will use”.  But for those who are waiting for someone else to come along, the Lord says, “Why are you waiting, when you have what I have need of in this hour?”. 


For the Lord says, When you stand before Me you will not be able to say, ‘they did not do it’, for I will ask you, ‘Why didn’t you invest what I gave you?’  For each man will not stand before Me as a group, but an individual.  And He will have to give an account of all the revelation, all the insight, all the knowledge, all the wisdom I have given him.  Not only that, but you will have to give an account of My Spirit living in you. 


You cannot say, ‘But Lord, I was powerless.  I didn’t know what to do.’  But if you seek Me, I will show you what to do.  And not only will I show you what to do, but I will show you how to do it and when to do it. 


I want to be a part of everything that concerns your life.  But I won’t force Myself on you.  I have given you an invitation.  Everyone has the same invitation if you are born in me.  You can come before My throne room of grace, and you can come freely.  For My Son has given you access.  My Spirit wants to take you into that place where you can talk to Me.  It is time for you to fellowship with Me.  For the hour of fellowship of God and His people has come.  Yes, I am speaking, but who has bowed their ear to hear.  For I am speaking.  I am speaking through My Word.  But who has sought My Word to understand what I am saying. 


Tell My people this, ‘I am not speaking doctrine, I am speaking about My Son.’   For My word points to My Son.  I don’t want man to know another man’s doctrine, I want man to know My Son.  My word point to My son whom I have sent.  He died, He was crucified, He was buried.  But now He is seated at My right hand, and I will glorify what He did on My behalf.  He so loved Me the He obeyed Me. 


Can I be still?  Will I remain silent?  Will I not rise up and let the world know what My son has done?  In this hour I will let the world know.  They will be without excuse.  They will not be able to say. ‘We did not hear’.  For an hour is coming, the time is near, when the world will know My Son.  But many will reject Him.  Even in My house many will abandon Him.  But the faithful will stand.  They will stand with the banner lifted high.  And on that banner, written in the blood of My Son is his name, ‘Jesus Christ, the Messiah’.   And Yes, My symbol is the symbol of the cross.  And I shall lift it up on the earth. 


And I will tell them, ‘Come unto Me’.  For I Am your peace.  I Am your joy.   The I Am is about to reveal Himself on the earth.  And man will be without excuse and he will not be able to say. ‘If we would have heard we would have believed’.   They shall hear.  My church shall hear. 


I say unto My people in this hour, ‘Whoever wants Me, come after ME.  If you have a desire, seek Me.  For I am here.  I have not moved from My position.  I am still seated on My throne.  Why are you waiting for Me to come down?  I am waiting for you to come up.  For I have many things to teach you.  I have many instructions to give you.


For you say, ‘Lord, what can I do?’  But if you come, I will tell you.  Come, seek Me, let Me share with you that, that I desire.  Will you come?  Will you seek?  Will you be intimate with Me?  The choice is yours.  My arms are open wide.  Whoever enters in, I will not disappoint.  And the world will know that you have been with God.



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