White Stone Christian Ministries - The Prophetic Word White Stone Prophetic Word
James Trivette 7.12.2012



Some Assembly Required


I am assembling My people and My work.  I have projects that I am building to provide for the times that are coming upon the earth.  Open yourself to new connections and new projects.  Move forward on that which I have already assigned to you.  For I am completing the works that I have ordained and many are feeling the urgency from Me to complete their assignments.  Therefore I am forming connections through My body to complete the work and build My network.  For days are coming when the world systems will resist My wisdom and My ways to bless and care for My people.  But My body will do great exploits and greater works.  But you must be joined with My body to succeed.  Some assembly is required. 


assemble verb

1. to come or bring together; collect or congregate

2. to fit or join together (the parts of something, such as a machine); to assemble the parts of a kit


Hebrews 10:23-25

23      Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful;

24      and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds,

25      not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging {one another}  and all the more, as you see the day drawing near.




This prophetic word says that God is bringing parts of His body together to complete the works that He has assigned.  This is excellent news for many who have been struggling to finish the work that God has told you to do.  But to do the work will require working with others to complete your work and to help them complete their work.  This assigned work is part of a bigger plan to prepare for the return of Jesus and the things that will happen just prior to His return.


The term ‘assemble’ is defined above and includes more than just coming together, but being fitted together as you assemble a machine.  But the machine that is being assembled is actually a body that assembled together with a purpose defined by God.   I believe we can be a part of these bodies that function independently of each other, but are linked dependently to God through the Holy Spirit to form the true church as the body of Christ.


This word warns that though you may be able to function now with certain world resources, a time may come where we must depend of each other to function and even survive.   Therefore, the purpose is not only to accomplish the work, but to build a network that can be trusted when other people and situations turn against you.


The passage included in Hebrews 25 confirms the word and adds the exhortation of “all the more, as you see the day drawing near”.   And the Day of the Lord is truly drawing near.




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