White Stone Christian Ministries - The Prophetic Word White Stone Prophetic Word
James Trivette 7.19.2012





What is sacred?  Sacred is that which is holy and intimate to Me.  Sacred is a pearl of great price that is honored and enjoyed even when no one else is around.  What do you hold sacred?  What will you honor and defend in this world, at your job, with your friends, and even in your own family?  Today I seek to give you a sacred gift, but only if it will be sacred to you. 


Sacred  - adj \ˈsā-krəd\


1.   a : dedicated or set apart for the service or worship of a deity <a tree sacred to the gods> b : devoted exclusively to one service or use (as of a person or purpose) <a fund sacred to charity>

2.   a : worthy of religious veneration : holy b : entitled to reverence and respect

3.   of or relating to religion : not secular or profane <sacred music>

4.   a : unassailable, inviolable   b : highly valued and important <a sacred responsibility>


Revelation 2:17

To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it.




This prophetic word is a very personal challenge in our relationship with the Lord.  We are asked “what do you hold sacred?”  The definition of what God says is sacred to Him is that which He calls “holy and intimate”.  That is a very personal definition, but one that we can relate to.  In an intimate relationship, certain things take on a very great personal shared value and are sacred to the relationship.  This prophetic word and the definition included above seem to add several dimensions to the meaning. 


The last line of the prophetic word says that He desires to give us a sacred gift, something that we are to hold as sacred when we are in the world or even with our closest relationship.  We are not told what the gift is, but the scripture reference of Revelation 2:17 indicated that the gift might be hidden manna, which possibly refers to secret revelation shared with us.  It might also be the white stone on which is an intimate name.  When God gives someone a name in the bible, it is personal and significant as a change in identity or relationship. 


You will notice that this ministry is named White Stone.  I did not think up this name, it came to me in prayer.  I am still discovering the meaning for this ministry name, and this word has added a whole new dimension for me.



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