White Stone Christian Ministries - The Prophetic Word White Stone Prophetic Word
James Trivette 10.25.2012



Let’s Dance


It’s time to dance the way that David danced.  David loved to express His heart for Me in movement.  So it will be in these days ahead.  That you will learn to move with the sound, the rhythm, and the music of My song.  For I am truly orchestrating the events of these days and those who seek me will hear the symphony and move together in the fluid motions of My body flowing to the music of heaven.  Today I am calling you to listen to the sounds of heaven and begin to move with My music.  For I will bring the attention of the world to watch My chosen people.  Practice in private and perform in public.  I have set the stage and chosen the music.  Follow My lead and watch something beautiful happen.  Smile, the world is watching and it is time to take the spotlight.


Revelation 14:1-3

Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads.  And I heard a sound from heaven like the roar of rushing waters and like a loud peal of thunder. The sound I heard was like that of harpists playing their harps.

And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders. No one could learn the song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth.




This prophetic word is about moving in the rhythm of God.  It is titled “Let’s Dance” because dancing is a way of moving with the rhythm of God to interpret the music while following the lead of our Lord.  It implies closeness and intimacy and yet can be done and admired in public.  I believe this prophetic word is a picture of the way the Lord wants us to flow with Him as you listen in the Spirit even in your public life.  As the music score seems to accentuate a movie and set the mood and tone of the scene, so I believe God can communicate His desired mood and tone for us in the situations of our life.


David is used as an example as he wrote many psalms expressing his situations and emotions, but and also his hope and faith in the Lord.  Although many of his psalms are very personal, such as the 23rd psalm, we can find hope and faith for ourselves in his words.  So it should be for us in this world.  We should flow with the music of faith in each situation as a witness that God lives and moves and has His being in us.


The verse of Revelation 14:1-3 says that in the last days, God’s chosen will hear sounds and songs that only they can hear.   We are entering to the last days and as the chosen of God, He will begin to share the songs of Heaven that we may move with Him and express heavenly worship and praise to Him on this earth.


This word encourages us to practice flowing with Him in private but to be prepared to flow with Him in any situation.  While the world hears only the fears and threats of this world, we can hear and flow with the heart of God.  I believe this will be crucial in the days to come to maintain our peace, our joy, and our witness.  It will also keep us following God and keep us from the exhaustion and frustration of the panic in the world.




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